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Title Date Action
Conduct of Viva Voce Examination/Open Defense of PhD Thesis(Department of Entomology) 11-09-2019 Preview
Parking of Vehicle in Parking Area (Vehicle-Free-Campus) 06-09-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding Holidays of Aashoora Moharram ul Haram 06-09-2019 Preview
PM Fee Reimbursement Scheme [Updated] 30-08-2019 Preview
PM Fee Reimbursement Scheme 20-08-2019 Preview
House Allotment Advertisement 20-08-2019 Preview
Notification regarding Holidays of Eid-ul-Adha 2019 09-08-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding Holidays of Eid-ul-Azha 2019 08-08-2019 Preview
Conduct of Open Defense of PhD Education Thesis 23-07-2019 Preview
Implementation of Decisions Ex-PPP Sub Campuses 27-06-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding Summer Vacations 2019 19-06-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding Gazetted Holidays / Off Days 13-06-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding Allotment of Residence for Grade 21 12-06-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding Allotment of University Residential Accommodation 10-06-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding Holidays of Eid-ul-Fitar 2019 03-06-2019 Preview
Conduct of Viva Voce Examination/Open Defense of PhD Thesis(Department of Urdu & Oriental Languages) 28-05-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding the Additional Charge of Director IT 20-05-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding Even Semester Examination of the Students of ex-PPP Sub-campuses 16-05-2019 Preview
Notification Regarding the Additional Charge of Incharge Transport Office 15-05-2019 Preview
Corrigendum for Allotment of University Residential Accommodation 08-05-2019 Preview