VC UoS calls on H.E. Amb. Nong Rong to matters of mutual interests

Published On: 12 Jan 2023

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Prof. Dr. Qaisar Abbas, Vice Chancellor University of Sargodha called on H.E. Nong Rong, the Chinese Ambassador of the Peopleโ€™s Republic of China on January 12, 2023. He briefed the Chinese Ambassador on the evolution and progress made by the University of Sargodha since its inception in 2002.

He also briefed about the activities of the Pakistan Institute of China Studies and the Confucius Institute at the University and how it is contributing to strengthening Pakistan China relations and creating better understanding of China among the youth. Vice Chancellor Dr. Qaisar Abbas shared his future plans for introducing skills-based education in the university through collaborating with Chinese organizations like Tang International Chinese Education. He appraised the Ambassador about his vision to expand cooperation between business and academia for better productivity.

As Sargodha region is famous for citrus production, he emphasized the need to add value to citrus by introducing new technologies for the production of a range of byproducts of citrus in collaboration with some Chinese companies in joint ventures. Dr. Qaisar Abbas briefed the Chinese Ambassador regarding the plans of solarization of the three campuses of the university.

Ambassador Nong Rong appreciated the China Studies Program of the university and assured full support in the future endeavors of the university. He also expressed optimism that with the gradual opening up of travel to China, more opportunities will be created for people to people contacts, academic exchanges and joint research. Dr. Fazal ur Rahman, Director, Pakistan Institute of China Studies, Dr. Gu, Agriculture Commissioner at the Chinese Embassy and Ms, Wang Yiqui also attended the meeting.