Sr. No Instrument Services Service Code UOS Commercial Status Actions
1 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) SEM with SED detector (2 images per sample) 1CRL01A 3000 4000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
2 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) SEM with BED detector (2 images per sample) 1CRL01B 3000 4000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
3 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) EDS with SEM (1 EDS spectrum) 1CRL01C 3000 4000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
4 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Au Coating (other than SEM analysis) 1CRL01D 1000 2000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
5 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) Quantitative determination of metals and non-metals at ppb level and their isotopic abundance (20 metals / non-metals per sample) 1CRL02A 3000 4000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
6 Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) Amplification and quantification of DNA/RNA per 20 samples (quantitative PCR methods exclusive of buffer and enzyme) 1CRL03A 1000 2000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
7 Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) Amplification and quantification of DNA/RNA per 20 samples (quantitative PCR methods inclusive of buffer and enzyme) 1CRL03B 2500 4000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
8 Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) Extraction (per sample by kit method), amplification and quantification of DNA/RNA 1CRL03C 3000 5000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
9 Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) Amplification and quantification of DNA/RNA per 20 samples (quantitative PCR methods inclusive of buffer and enzyme) with complete interpretation and data analysis 1CRL03D 5000 8000 Active Download Form Generate Challan
10 Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) Primers (per base) 1CRL03E 70 70 Active Download Form Generate Challan
11 Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) Particle size estimation of geological, pharmaceutical and food samples (including cement, gels, colloids) 1CRL04A 250 500 Active Download Form Generate Challan
12 Texture Analyzer Texture profile / rheological characteristics of food sample /product 1CRL05A 200 400 Active Download Form Generate Challan
13 Lactoscan Milk sample testing for chemical composition 1CRL06A 100 200 Active Download Form Generate Challan
14 GC-MS (He as carrier gas) EI-MS of a pure analyte (upto 1,000 amu molecular mass) through direct probe (per sample) 1CRL07A 1000 2000 Inactive Download Form Generate Challan
15 GC-MS (He as carrier gas) Gas chromatogram and EI-MS of each eluent 1CRL07B 1500 3000 Inactive Download Form Generate Challan
16 Amino Acid Analyzer Amino acid profiling of a food sample / product 1CRL08A 500 1000 Inactive Download Form Generate Challan