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Title Date Action
Tender Notice for the Development Works 16-12-2020 Download
Tender Notice for the Development Works 16-12-2020 Download
Tender Notice for the Purchase of Lab Equipment 16-12-2020 Download
Students & Parents Alert Refund of Comprehensive Examination Fee 2017 Ex-PPP Campuses 16-12-2020 Preview
Student & Parents Alert Regarding Ex-PPP Sub Campuses Faisalabad & Gujranwala 16-12-2020 Preview
How to Apply For Change of Subjects / Paper 07-12-2020 Download
Teaching / Learning Process Survey (Teacher Evaluation Form) 04-12-2020 Download
Faculty Resume 04-12-2020 Download
Employer Survey 04-12-2020 Download
Alumni Survey 04-12-2020 Download
Survey of Department offering Ph.D. 04-12-2020 Download
Faculty Survey 04-12-2020 Download
Research student progress Review form 04-12-2020 Download
Survey of Graduating Students 04-12-2020 Download
Faculty Course Review Report 04-12-2020 Download
Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire 04-12-2020 Download
Performa for HEC Evaluation 04-12-2020 Download
Progress and Financial Report for UOS ORIC-Funded Research Projects 2016-17 04-12-2020 Download
Requisition Form for Analysis in Instrumental Lab 04-12-2020 Download
On Campus Internship Program Badge V List of shortlisted Graduates of OCIP 15-11-2020 Download